Friday, June 24, 2011


1) ~UPU~
setelah semua nya berlalu...
aku masih disini...
menghitung detik upu diumumkan..
kemane la akan ku sambung blaja lpas ni..
hopefully dkt2 ngan mmber kesayanganku itu...
he3,, snang nk kluar.. haha.. :p

still full of misery,,, i dunno lorh..
mmg yg da lpas bia lpas.. kdg2 aku brlagak mcm oke..
ngan kawan2 kalo tnye sal tu aku relax je ckp aku ok.
xpela,,,aku dh trime kenyataan.

3) ~to abg...~
sng je kalau berkata2 but u also in d same condition juz like me.
ouh yeah u're rite dat i'm still a young girl..bru 19teen kan..
u dah 25years old..ok tq for ur spport.
i know u still hurt inside bout ur breakup..
n its for the sake of 5years dat u're in d relationship.
so of course u know how hard it was to let go of things that u're really dont want to.
i'm still young and i hve chance to see another 1..
BUT, for me.. it will be not the same person.
got it??

4) ~5DAWN~
 ouh yeah... korg mmg giler2..
nseb aku je tak gile.. hahaha ;p
korg sgt2 byk mngajar aku something new..
aku akan tabah n stronger than before. dont worry la.
aku tak gile mcm dulu..
personal is personal.
now i'm profesional. hak3. hope so.
miss u already....hu3..

my twin.... stdy molek taw..
insyaAllah smue nye akn baik2 saje.
sy doakan pointer kamu naik tiap2 sem..
hajat sy masih tak kesampaian mahu mmbelikan kamu teddy bear..
sabarla menanti k..
luv u =))

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